Be Relentless Devotion 2

Am I Enough?

Continuing from the story of the rich young man, we see a mindset in him that is still very prevalent today.

When the young man asked Jesus which commandments he should obey, Jesus listed some of the commandments that God had given to the Israelites: Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor your father and mother, and love your neighbor as yourself.

Now, let’s first notice that the man had not assumed that he should obey all of them! But they were commandments after all, not God’s 10 suggestions. However, before we come down on him too harshly, we need to be sure that we are not asking the same question of God.

Basically, “God, what is the bare minimum I need to do? What should I obey and what can I get away with not obeying?” We may not ask that out loud, but our mindset and actions show that we want to believe there are some things we can take a pass on.

Next, read the man’s response. “All these I have kept.”

How many times have you heard someone say, or thought to yourself:

“I haven’t killed anyone. I don’t steal. I’m basically a really good person.” 

We like to choose what might be considered the “big, bad sins” like murder and theft as our basis for good enough behavior to earn our way to heaven. We compare ourselves to those we see in the news or on social media who are violent and hateful, who steal and hurt others, and we think we are so much better than they are. We assume that God will compare us to them, and in that comparison, we will be so much better that we will be good enough for heaven.

But God never said that. 

He doesn’t compare us to the worst of evil. He compares us to Himself.

“For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.”  Romans 3:23

In that comparison, none of us can stand. And in fact, the young man saw that on some level because even though he says he has kept the commandments that Jesus listed, he asks:

“What do I still lack?”

Underneath all of what he believed were his good behaviors, was a nagging feeling that perhaps they were not enough.

Have your ever felt like that yourself?

If not, you need to take a deeper look. Examine your thoughts. Maybe you haven’t murdered someone, but have you wished harm on an enemy? Maybe you haven’t stolen an object, but have you taken credit for an idea or wished that something belonged to you and not someone else (that’s actually coveting which is also a “thou shalt not”.)

If you have felt like that, take heart. That nagging feeling is actually from the Holy Spirit. He is leading you to the truth that your good behavior is not enough…but Christ is.

To be relentless, we must live in the humility that our good actions are not enough. Even the best ones. The forgiveness that we received through the cross of Jesus Christ is what will bring us eternal life in heaven. The rest of Romans 3:23 is the key:

“…and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.”

And Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Ask Yourself: Am I still trying to be “good enough” to earn God’s forgiveness or have I freely accepted his forgiveness through Jesus’ death on the cross? (If you have not already fully done so, stop right now, and take that step. Admit you're trying to follow rules, and be good enough, that you compare yourself to those with worse actions instead of comparing yourself to Christ. And accept the gift of eternal life that God offers)

Make a daily habit to remember and acknowledge God’s grace. Thank him for his forgiveness and be grateful. When we live in gratefulness, it’s much easier to BE RELENTESS because we know our faith which was a free gift to us, was paid for by the death of Christ himself. 

* A prayer you can repeat in case you need some words: God, I admit that I have been trying to be good enough, that I have compared my actions to others instead of to Christ. I now realize that I cannot be good enough to earn my salvation and I  receive the forgiveness that Jesus paid on the cross for my sins. Thank you for loving me and for showing me this truth. Help me be a relentless follower from this day on!